Interview Summary
Participant created this artwork following the death of their grandfather, whom they were closest to. The artwork channels their experience of a broken home, thrown into more chaos because of his passing. It’s one of their most emotional pieces, depicting a girl behind a broken pane of glass, with people fighting behind her. The process of making it was triggering and stressful, but they felt relief to get it out on paper. It also evoked strong emotions in others; many people the participant showed it to would hug them after and express how impactful the artwork is. Seeing everyone’s reception to it made the participant realize how wide-spread abusive households are, and it was sad to see how many people related to it. On the other hand, it was a relief to feel like they were not alone in this. The piece is a self-portrait in a sense, and the process helped them see their situation from a new perspective.
Interview Transcript
Interviewer: In this interview. We are interested in asking you to tell us about art work that you've created. We're going to ask you to describe this experience in detail. Do you have any questions?
Participant: I don't think so.
Interviewer: We'd like you to think about an artwork that you create. That's especially meaningful to you. Your artwork could be from any of the following domains: painting, drawing, such as graphic design or illustration, sculptures, stained glass, installation, music, songs, dance, performance, art, film, literature, theater, fashion, mixed media, architecture, interior design, plastic arts, or any other art form we have not mentioned.
Interviewer: The artwork does not necessarily have to be the most meaningful to you, but it should be meaningful and a mostly salient. It helps if your memories about creating the artwork or more vivid. But It's okay. If you don't remember everything. It can be an artwork that you create at any age. Please choose your artwork and tell me what it is.
Participant: Okay. I have a picture of it. Is there a way I can add it to the video?
Interviewer: Yes, okay, let me make you a co-host. So you can share. Okay, you should be able to screen share now,
Participant: Okay, I'm not sure. If this will work. Can you see this?
Interviewer: I can. It's just on you.
Participant: Okay, Sorry.
Interviewer: It's okay. I'm not seeing an option to screen share. Let me try to make you a host, and then, if that doesn't work we can. Just. We can always email it to you, and you could screen share it, too. It's I. Yeah. Well, you'll have to explain it, anyway, like,
Participant: okay. Anyway, i'll just start explaining it. So this piece I creased labeled Untitled when I originally created it, and haven't come up with a better title yet. It was created during my senior year of high school for a national art show, and it ended up winning a gold medal. So it means a lot to me because it's one of my best pieces I've done. um. I created it right after my grandpa had passed away, and my grandpa was a safe space for me. He pretty much fixed all the problems in my life. He was more of a guardian than my parents were. So this kind of has to do with my experience in like a broken home, and I was in a really tough place after he was gone because I had to deal with like the loss of him on top of all the home issues I was going through. We talk about
Interviewer: Could you kind of talk about what it looks like.
Participant: I can. I have it on my phone, too. I could kind of like hold it up, for now until we could figure it out so
Participant: that might not work.
Interviewer: It's kind of working
Participant: I don't know. Okay, we'll figure out how to put it in the video, but it's pretty much a picture of a girl, and she's like behind a window, and the glasses broken out so you could see her face in between the window, and in the background there's people fighting, and people screaming and her hands, are pressed up against it. It's made out of colored pencils, paint, water color paint as well as acrylic. Um, I think pen It's a long time ago. Um, yeah, I think that's it. And maybe a little bit of crayon, too. Um, so kind of mixed media style. Um,
Why did you choose this one? (Specialness)
Interviewer: what made you choose this artwork?
Participant: Um, so like I said, like I was going through a really hard time dealing with home stuff after loosing my grandpa as well. Um, but I guess like the materials I chose for more, because I really like colored pencil, and, like the texture created, and using the paint over top, gave it like a nice little overlay. So you can like see the color pencil, but have the like glossy look of the window.
Process of Creation
What led up to its creation? What motivated you to create it?
When and where did the work happen? Who was involved besides you (if anyone)?
Interviewer: Please tell me about the experience and process of creating this artwork by answering the following series of questions When and where did the work happen? And was anybody else involved beside you?
Participant: Okay. So it kind of happened between my classes and at home because I ended up going virtual because of Covid. So like I started it while I was in class and ended up finishing it over like my winter break period that year. and sorry. What was the rest of the question?
Interviewer: Was anybody else involved in the great?
Participant: No, just me.
What were you thinking and feeling at different times throughout the process?
Interviewer: What were you thinking and feeling at different times throughout the process of creating the artwork?
Participant: I would say, this is one of my most emotional pieces. It there's a lot that goes on in it like it has pictures of people clearly being abusive and fighting in the background. So it's pretty emotional, and the person in the window themselves has like blood on their face, and like swollen areas. So it's graphic, in a sense, but not very graphic. I guess. So it's definitely emotional. It can that it was a little bit triggering at times to do, I think as well. and I don't know. I guess it it kind of felt relieving to like. I feel like I use our as a way of therapy to escape from what i'm feeling so it was like, even though it was like triggering sometimes, or like stressful to do, is also a very relieving feeling to like, let it out on paper.
Can you describe any high points, low points or challenges, or turning points along the way?
Interviewer: can you describe any high points, low points, challenges, or turning points along the way.
Participant: Yeah, I will say, like I said, like at times it could definitely be a little triggering, especially when you're going through stuff in your personal life. So I definitely had to take a lot of breaks on doing this. It took me so long to finish. I remember my art professor or my art teacher, she kept emailing me. She's like, How is it coming like it's due, and I was like, Yeah, it's coming. It's definitely getting there. And I remember submitting it literally last minute, the day it was due online, and it was like had to be submitted at eleven fifty-nine. It turns into it like ten PM Yeah. So I guess like it was just difficult to take it and do it all in at once, because it's a very emotional topic, even though i'm usually pretty on time with things. It was hard for me to finish it.
Interviewer: Completely understandable.
Let’s talk about the impact of the artwork on yourself and others. What did you learn from the process of creating this artwork? Did you learn anything about yourself?
Interviewer: Let's talk about the impact of the artwork on yourself and others. What did you learn from the process of creating this artwork? Did you learn anything about yourself?
Participant: I definitely pushed my strengths in art, if we're relating it to the skillful aspect, I didn't really think i'd be able to create like a portrait, because I've never done it before, and it worked out very well for me, but on the emotional side for other people. I just remember a bunch of people like hugging me the one time, like every time someone saw it, because it was like in the school newspaper and like my community newspapers causee it was like a national art show. And I remember people just being like, Are you okay like, How are things? I'm like. I'm great guys like i'm fine, and they were just like people, were very supportive and super emotional, which I never thought that my art could trigger as much emotion as it did to people, and it was just interesting to see people like crying or hugging me, or like, Wow! That's impactful. It's just really surprising to see that come to life from something that I did.
Did your experience affect your understanding of others or “the world?
Interviewer: Okay, Did your experience affect your understanding of others or the world?
Participant: I think so. I definitely. In a sense I guess it. The experience changed a little bit about me rather than like the outside world, I guess. Just like realizing that the way that the people in my community acted when they saw it, and how much emotion it triggered, just like I don't know, just brought it more to life to me that, abusive households, are such a problem, and so many people are going through it. And then, when they saw it, and they can relate to it. It's just like kind of eye opening and like a nice feeling at the same time, because it's like, Okay, I'm not alone in this.
When some people think about themselves, they see some parts of themselves as deeply true, real, or authentic. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about your true nature during the process? Did you have any insights about your own authentic (or inauthentic) self?
Interviewer: Yeah, definitely. When some people think about themselves, they see parts of themselves as deeply true, real, or authentic. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about your true nature during the process? Did you have any insights about your unauthentic or inauthentic self?
Participant: Um, I think so. Just because this piece is really a self portrait. In a sense like It's not like exactly me, but it's like me as portrayed in the artwork. Um, like I said, like I just feel like it brought to life my situation, that I couldn't really put into perspective before. So yes, in a sense.
Some people believe in ultimate meaning. This is defined as deep, underlying meaning that transcends subjective, personal meaning. It is about the nature of existence and identity, and it may include ideas about the significance of suffering, as well as spirituality. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about ultimate meaning during the process?
Interviewer: Some people believe in ultimate meaning. This is defined as deep underlying meaning that transcends subjective personal meaning. It is about the nature of existence and identity, and it may include ideas about the significance of suffering as well as spirituality. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about ultimate meaning during the process
Participant: um about ultimate meeting I'm not exactly sure. But I will say before, it really just brought to light the situation which I wasn't expecting. So I guess that kind of relates to the question
Interviewer: definitely.
Some people believe or perceive a reality beyond the physical or material world. This may include religious beliefs/experiences (such as perceived interactions with God) but also may include mystical or transcendent experiences, or interaction with spirits. Did you have any of these kinds of experiences during the creation of the artwork?
Interviewer: Some people believe or perceive a reality beyond the physical or material world. This may include religious beliefs or experiences, such as perceived interactions with God, but may also include mystical or transcendental experiences or interaction with spirits. Did you have any kinds of these experiences during the creation of the artwork?
Participant: Kind of, not like specifically in the artwork, But I come from a household of religious people, so the artwork having, like the people in the background. Fighting is like irony for like being Christian specifically, because it's like, Oh, Christianity: loving, accepting people blah blah blah. But then you don't see the behind the scenes, and you don't see those households and how broken they actually are.
Interviewer: So you wouldn't say there was any sort of inspiration, guidance, or encouragement from anything non physical or supernatural, throughout the process of creation.
Participant: I don't think so.
Participant created this artwork following the death of their grandfather, whom they were closest to. The artwork channels their experience of a broken home, thrown into more chaos because of his passing. It’s one of their most emotional pieces, depicting a girl behind a broken pane of glass, with people fighting behind her. The process of making it was triggering and stressful, but they felt relief to get it out on paper. It also evoked strong emotions in others; many people the participant showed it to would hug them after and express how impactful the artwork is. Seeing everyone’s reception to it made the participant realize how wide-spread abusive households are, and it was sad to see how many people related to it. On the other hand, it was a relief to feel like they were not alone in this. The piece is a self-portrait in a sense, and the process helped them see their situation from a new perspective.
Interview Transcript
Interviewer: In this interview. We are interested in asking you to tell us about art work that you've created. We're going to ask you to describe this experience in detail. Do you have any questions?
Participant: I don't think so.
Interviewer: We'd like you to think about an artwork that you create. That's especially meaningful to you. Your artwork could be from any of the following domains: painting, drawing, such as graphic design or illustration, sculptures, stained glass, installation, music, songs, dance, performance, art, film, literature, theater, fashion, mixed media, architecture, interior design, plastic arts, or any other art form we have not mentioned.
Interviewer: The artwork does not necessarily have to be the most meaningful to you, but it should be meaningful and a mostly salient. It helps if your memories about creating the artwork or more vivid. But It's okay. If you don't remember everything. It can be an artwork that you create at any age. Please choose your artwork and tell me what it is.
Participant: Okay. I have a picture of it. Is there a way I can add it to the video?
Interviewer: Yes, okay, let me make you a co-host. So you can share. Okay, you should be able to screen share now,
Participant: Okay, I'm not sure. If this will work. Can you see this?
Interviewer: I can. It's just on you.
Participant: Okay, Sorry.
Interviewer: It's okay. I'm not seeing an option to screen share. Let me try to make you a host, and then, if that doesn't work we can. Just. We can always email it to you, and you could screen share it, too. It's I. Yeah. Well, you'll have to explain it, anyway, like,
Participant: okay. Anyway, i'll just start explaining it. So this piece I creased labeled Untitled when I originally created it, and haven't come up with a better title yet. It was created during my senior year of high school for a national art show, and it ended up winning a gold medal. So it means a lot to me because it's one of my best pieces I've done. um. I created it right after my grandpa had passed away, and my grandpa was a safe space for me. He pretty much fixed all the problems in my life. He was more of a guardian than my parents were. So this kind of has to do with my experience in like a broken home, and I was in a really tough place after he was gone because I had to deal with like the loss of him on top of all the home issues I was going through. We talk about
Interviewer: Could you kind of talk about what it looks like.
Participant: I can. I have it on my phone, too. I could kind of like hold it up, for now until we could figure it out so
Participant: that might not work.
Interviewer: It's kind of working
Participant: I don't know. Okay, we'll figure out how to put it in the video, but it's pretty much a picture of a girl, and she's like behind a window, and the glasses broken out so you could see her face in between the window, and in the background there's people fighting, and people screaming and her hands, are pressed up against it. It's made out of colored pencils, paint, water color paint as well as acrylic. Um, I think pen It's a long time ago. Um, yeah, I think that's it. And maybe a little bit of crayon, too. Um, so kind of mixed media style. Um,
Why did you choose this one? (Specialness)
Interviewer: what made you choose this artwork?
Participant: Um, so like I said, like I was going through a really hard time dealing with home stuff after loosing my grandpa as well. Um, but I guess like the materials I chose for more, because I really like colored pencil, and, like the texture created, and using the paint over top, gave it like a nice little overlay. So you can like see the color pencil, but have the like glossy look of the window.
Process of Creation
What led up to its creation? What motivated you to create it?
When and where did the work happen? Who was involved besides you (if anyone)?
Interviewer: Please tell me about the experience and process of creating this artwork by answering the following series of questions When and where did the work happen? And was anybody else involved beside you?
Participant: Okay. So it kind of happened between my classes and at home because I ended up going virtual because of Covid. So like I started it while I was in class and ended up finishing it over like my winter break period that year. and sorry. What was the rest of the question?
Interviewer: Was anybody else involved in the great?
Participant: No, just me.
What were you thinking and feeling at different times throughout the process?
Interviewer: What were you thinking and feeling at different times throughout the process of creating the artwork?
Participant: I would say, this is one of my most emotional pieces. It there's a lot that goes on in it like it has pictures of people clearly being abusive and fighting in the background. So it's pretty emotional, and the person in the window themselves has like blood on their face, and like swollen areas. So it's graphic, in a sense, but not very graphic. I guess. So it's definitely emotional. It can that it was a little bit triggering at times to do, I think as well. and I don't know. I guess it it kind of felt relieving to like. I feel like I use our as a way of therapy to escape from what i'm feeling so it was like, even though it was like triggering sometimes, or like stressful to do, is also a very relieving feeling to like, let it out on paper.
Can you describe any high points, low points or challenges, or turning points along the way?
Interviewer: can you describe any high points, low points, challenges, or turning points along the way.
Participant: Yeah, I will say, like I said, like at times it could definitely be a little triggering, especially when you're going through stuff in your personal life. So I definitely had to take a lot of breaks on doing this. It took me so long to finish. I remember my art professor or my art teacher, she kept emailing me. She's like, How is it coming like it's due, and I was like, Yeah, it's coming. It's definitely getting there. And I remember submitting it literally last minute, the day it was due online, and it was like had to be submitted at eleven fifty-nine. It turns into it like ten PM Yeah. So I guess like it was just difficult to take it and do it all in at once, because it's a very emotional topic, even though i'm usually pretty on time with things. It was hard for me to finish it.
Interviewer: Completely understandable.
Let’s talk about the impact of the artwork on yourself and others. What did you learn from the process of creating this artwork? Did you learn anything about yourself?
Interviewer: Let's talk about the impact of the artwork on yourself and others. What did you learn from the process of creating this artwork? Did you learn anything about yourself?
Participant: I definitely pushed my strengths in art, if we're relating it to the skillful aspect, I didn't really think i'd be able to create like a portrait, because I've never done it before, and it worked out very well for me, but on the emotional side for other people. I just remember a bunch of people like hugging me the one time, like every time someone saw it, because it was like in the school newspaper and like my community newspapers causee it was like a national art show. And I remember people just being like, Are you okay like, How are things? I'm like. I'm great guys like i'm fine, and they were just like people, were very supportive and super emotional, which I never thought that my art could trigger as much emotion as it did to people, and it was just interesting to see people like crying or hugging me, or like, Wow! That's impactful. It's just really surprising to see that come to life from something that I did.
Did your experience affect your understanding of others or “the world?
Interviewer: Okay, Did your experience affect your understanding of others or the world?
Participant: I think so. I definitely. In a sense I guess it. The experience changed a little bit about me rather than like the outside world, I guess. Just like realizing that the way that the people in my community acted when they saw it, and how much emotion it triggered, just like I don't know, just brought it more to life to me that, abusive households, are such a problem, and so many people are going through it. And then, when they saw it, and they can relate to it. It's just like kind of eye opening and like a nice feeling at the same time, because it's like, Okay, I'm not alone in this.
When some people think about themselves, they see some parts of themselves as deeply true, real, or authentic. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about your true nature during the process? Did you have any insights about your own authentic (or inauthentic) self?
Interviewer: Yeah, definitely. When some people think about themselves, they see parts of themselves as deeply true, real, or authentic. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about your true nature during the process? Did you have any insights about your unauthentic or inauthentic self?
Participant: Um, I think so. Just because this piece is really a self portrait. In a sense like It's not like exactly me, but it's like me as portrayed in the artwork. Um, like I said, like I just feel like it brought to life my situation, that I couldn't really put into perspective before. So yes, in a sense.
Some people believe in ultimate meaning. This is defined as deep, underlying meaning that transcends subjective, personal meaning. It is about the nature of existence and identity, and it may include ideas about the significance of suffering, as well as spirituality. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about ultimate meaning during the process?
Interviewer: Some people believe in ultimate meaning. This is defined as deep underlying meaning that transcends subjective personal meaning. It is about the nature of existence and identity, and it may include ideas about the significance of suffering as well as spirituality. If this idea resonates with you, did you learn anything about ultimate meaning during the process
Participant: um about ultimate meeting I'm not exactly sure. But I will say before, it really just brought to light the situation which I wasn't expecting. So I guess that kind of relates to the question
Interviewer: definitely.
Some people believe or perceive a reality beyond the physical or material world. This may include religious beliefs/experiences (such as perceived interactions with God) but also may include mystical or transcendent experiences, or interaction with spirits. Did you have any of these kinds of experiences during the creation of the artwork?
Interviewer: Some people believe or perceive a reality beyond the physical or material world. This may include religious beliefs or experiences, such as perceived interactions with God, but may also include mystical or transcendental experiences or interaction with spirits. Did you have any kinds of these experiences during the creation of the artwork?
Participant: Kind of, not like specifically in the artwork, But I come from a household of religious people, so the artwork having, like the people in the background. Fighting is like irony for like being Christian specifically, because it's like, Oh, Christianity: loving, accepting people blah blah blah. But then you don't see the behind the scenes, and you don't see those households and how broken they actually are.
Interviewer: So you wouldn't say there was any sort of inspiration, guidance, or encouragement from anything non physical or supernatural, throughout the process of creation.
Participant: I don't think so.
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